An esteemed correspondent at Angaston has favoured us with the following communication:— 'On Good Friday, the 3rd inst., the opening services of the new Baptist Chapel, South Rhine, were held. An appropriate sermon was preached in the afternoon by the Rev. John Hannay; after which, an excellent tea was provided by the ladies connected with the chapel. A public meeting was held in the evening, at which Mr. Kealley presided. The attendance was very good, the chapel being well filled. Interesting addresses were delivered by the Chairman, the Rev. J. Hannay, Mr. John Williams, of Barossa, Mr. Baker, of Salt Creek, Mr. Thomas, of Lyndoch, and Mr. G. C.Thyer. About £13 was collected towards defraying the building expenses of the chapel, which is a neat and commodious stone edifice. A feeling 0f sadness pervaded the whole of the proceeduigs owing to the sudden and alarming illness of the pastor of the church, the Rev. Ephraim Evans, who had risen that morning apparently in tolerable health; but congestion of the brain, brought on by over-fatigue, had laid him low before noon, and during the services he lay, seemingly unconscious, at his residence, close to the chapel. Dr. Millner was called in, but all his skill and attention proved unavailing; paralysis came on, and the patient gradually sank until last Monday evening, when he breathed his last. The funeral took place in this township on Thursday afternoon. The first part of the service was held in the Angaston Chapel where the Rev. J. Hannay delivered a solemn address to a large congregation; after which, the earthy remains of the departed were followed to the cemetery by a large number of persons, many of whom were members of Mr. Evans's own congregation, and had come ten or twelve miles to show a last token of their respect for their pastor. Mr. Hannay delivered another short address at the grave, and the coffin was then consigned to the silent tomb. On Sunday morning, 12th inst., a funeral sermon was preached in the Angaston Chapel by the Rev. J. Hannay, who took for his text the words "It is expedient for you that I go away"— John xvi. 7. Many came from a distance to be present on the occasion, and the attendance was unusually large. Perhaps a few particulars concerning Mr. Evans's life and labours may be interesting to your readers. Before coming to Australia he resided in London, and was employed as a missionary in connection with the New Park-street Church. He arrived in this colony about nine years ago in the same vessel as our highly-esteemed and much-regretted fellow townsman the late Dr. Birks. He lived for some time at Reedy Creek, but about seven years since settled at Nuriootpa, where he was employed as a licensed teacher. He also commenced preaching in the neighbourhood. The number of his preaching stations soon so increased that he was led to give up his school and devote his whole time to the work of the ministry. He held services at the Sheaoak Log, Lyndoch Valley, the South Rhine, Tarrawatta, and Nuriootpa, and occasionally in other townships, often preaching three times and riding from 15 to 30 miles on the Sabbath. He afterwards gave up the service at the Sheaoak, and about ten days before his death left Nuriootpa to reside at the South Rhine, intending to devote his energies more especially to the service of the Baptist Churches there and at Lyndoch Valley, both of which had been established and built up in a great measure through his instrumentality. His health seems to have been impaired by his arduous labours. He had long been subject to disease of the heart, and this complaint being aggravated by the fatigue and excitement consequent upon his removal from Nuriootpa, and preparations for the opening of the South Rhine Chapel, brought on the disease which terminated, his life. Mr. Evans has left behind a widow and four young children who are not very well provided for. A subscription list has been opened for the benefit of the widow and children, and several gentlemen have already contributed liberally.
'Evans, Ephraim (?–1863)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 12 September 2024.
6 April,
South Rhine,
South Australia,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.
Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.