Another old Bendigo identity, Mr. Mark Gomes Dias, died at his residence, Neale-street, Back Creek, late last night, after a lingering illness extending over a period of two years. The deceased gentleman, who was a native of Portugal, came to Victoria 48 years ago and subsequently settled in Bendigo, where he resided up to the time of his demise. He married Miss Lewis, whose father, it will be remembered, died in this city a good many years back at the remarkable age of 105 years. About two years ago, on hearing of his son’s death in a mining accident, Mr. Dias was completely prostrated, and it is believed that he never properly rallied from the shock, as he had since been subject to attacks of paralysis. Of late he had been confined to his bed, and last night he became suddenly worse and collapsed. He leaves a widow and a family of three sons, who are in other colonies, a married daughter in Melbourne, and two unmarried daughters at home. Throughout his illness the deceased was attended by Dr. Atkinson. The funeral leaves his late residence at 2 p.m. to-day.
'Dias, Mark Gomes (1829–1900)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 13 September 2024.