The death of Mr. John Henry Davies, which occurred in Sydney last month, removes a very familiar and much-respected figure in pastoral circles.
Born at Jerry's Plains, near Singleton, in 1841, his whole life was a record of continuous activity.
At the age of twelve he went to work at Yarrandi, in the Hunter River district, the property of his brother-in-law, Mr. (afterwards Sir John) Robertson. Subsequently he obtained employment with Mr. Andrew Loder, and then went further afield, on the Liverpool Plains, taking any work among stock that came to his hand. He established a reputation for himself as one of the finest horsemen of his day on "the Plains." Then, travelling into Queensland, he became "an overlander," taking big mobs of cattle to the Victorian markets.
In the course of time he revisited Yarrandi, which was leased to him by Sir John Robertson, and this venture gave him his start as a pastoral owner. Eventually becoming the owner of the station, he presently added to it other properties in the same district. Then, in 1890, he became general manager for the Namoi Pastoral Company, owning Burburgate and Edgeroi on the Liverpool Plains. Ten years later we find him general manager for the Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company Limited. Two years afterwards he was appointed a director, and only a few days before his death he was called upon to fill the position of chairman of directors on the company's Sydney board.
By means of judicious private investments, Mr. Davies had also acquired extensive station properties, chiefly in the north-western districts of New South Wales, which at present are carrying considerably over 100,000 sheep, besides many cattle. But Yarrandi was the foundation of his success; and there is still shown the clump of trees, in sight of the old homestead, where he camped that night in 1853, and made a boyish resolution that he would some day return to own the place. The deceased gentleman was a man of strong will, just and conscientious to a degree; one of the best husbands and fathers; always ready both with purse and advice to help the unsuccessful and deserving.
Inaction of any kind was his abhorrence, and he died just as he would have wished, when the time was arriving at which inaction was being forced upon him.
'Davies, John Henry (1841–1908)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/davies-john-henry-293/text294, accessed 14 March 2025.
John Davies, n.d.
from Pastoralists' Review, 15 October 1908
Jerry's Plains,
New South Wales,
19 September,
(aged ~ 67)
Darling Point, Sydney,
New South Wales,