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George J. Crowley (1864–1933)

from Sydney Morning Herald

Mr. George Crowley, chairman of directors of the City Mutual life Assurance Society, died suddenly yesterday at his residence, Shalimar, Drummoyne. He was at his office on Saturday, and then appeared to be in his normal health. He collapsed at his home early yesterday morning.

Mr. Crowley was a distinguished authority on life insurance practice, and he was often consulted by business people and sometimes by representatives of Governments on complex questions affecting insurance matters. Born at North Sydney, where his father, Mr. Jeremiah Crowley, was the first Catholic denominational schoolmaster, he was educated at the Fort-street School, and at an early age he entered the City Mutual Life Assurance office. His brilliance soon carried him to the higher positions, and for 43 years he was manager of the company, and at the same time he held the position of chairman of directors. Many articles on world affairs appeared from his pen in the "Freeman's Journal," of which paper he was chairman of directors, while, following a visit abroad in 1908, he wrote a book, entitled, "The Old World Through the New World's Spectacles." In 1930. he was invited by the Scullin Ministry to accept a seat on the Commonwealth Bank Board, but declined, owing to business reasons. Mr.

Crowley had many interests, and was a keen angler and golfer. His garden also occupied much of his spare time. In his younger days he was an oarsman of merit, and always retained his interest in rowing.

Mr. Crowley, who was 69 years of age, is survived by his sons, Dr. Vivian Crowley, formerly of Western Australia, and now attached to the Lidcombe Hospital; and Mr. Kevin Crowley, rental officer of the City Mutual Life Assurance Society; and two daughters, Mrs. Fred Pfeiffer, of Double Bay, and Miss Kitty Crowley. Mrs. Crowley died in 1913.

The funeral, which, at Mr. Crowley's wish, is to be private, will take place to-day.

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Citation details

'Crowley, George J. (1864–1933)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


St Leonards, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


18 November, 1933 (aged ~ 69)
Drummoyne, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

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