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Frederick Coleman (1865–1951)

from Pastoral Review and Graziers' Record

Mr. Frederick Coleman, who died last month at the age of 85, spent the whole of his life on the land in South Australia and at the time of his death was one of the best known agriculturists in that State. He received his education in England and at the University of Adelaide, and in 1888 took charge of his family's property at Mount Barker, SA. Later Mr. Coleman moved to his own property, Tuela, Saddleworth, where he pioneered many improvements in agricultural technique. He was the first to use the seed drill and to apply superphosphate fertilisers in South Australia, and was also the first in the State to grow William Farrer's famous Federation wheat. In collaboration with the Department of Agriculture Mr. Coleman conducted manurial and variety trials with wheat, while trials with pasture plants, which led to the successful establishment of phalaris and subterranean clover pastures, were started on Tuela 43 years ago, first in association with the Department of Agriculture and later with the Waite Institute. Mr. Coleman was a member of the South Australian Advisory Board of Agriculture for 37 years and chairman for two periods. He was also a member of the council of the Roseworthy Agricultural College and of the Royal Agricultural Society.

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'Coleman, Frederick (1865–1951)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


Hazeleigh, South Australia, Australia


31 May, 1951 (aged ~ 86)
South Australia, Australia

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