One of the best known men in the Hawkesbury district, and certainly one of the most highly-respected men in the community where he was born and lived all his life, passed to 'that bourne whence no traveller returns' in the early hours of Sunday morning. We refer to the late Peter Beveridge, and it is not too much to say that he was beloved by all who knew him, and will be missed from among us as much as any man could possibly be missed. He was a man who, both physically and temperamentally, was perennially young, and right up to his final illness was a brisk and agile man. But for an unfortunate accident two or three weeks before his death, his general health and virility were such that in the natural order of things he would have lived for many more years, and that he passed away at the age of 69 years was a shock to his many friends. Some two or three weeks ago he drove to Sackville North where his son, Mr. Keith Beveridge, and Mr. Ellis are in partnership in an extensive orchard property. Full of energy always, it was not his nature to be idle, so he yoked his quiet old buggy horse to a slide intending to do some work. The horse played up with the strange contraption behind it, and then rushed forward. Mr. Beveridge would not give in and struggled to control the horse till he fell exhausted. He was brought home to Windsor much knocked about and in a rather serious state. Pleurisy and pneumonia supervened and he gradually sank and passed peacefully away at 4.30 a.m. on Sunday. The late Peter Beveridge was born in Windsor — in a house that stood on the site of the post office — and was a son of the late John Beveridge. His two brothers, John and Alexander, pre-deceased him, and the only surviving member of the family is his sister Margaret (Mrs. Primrose). For many years he was in business in a large way in Windsor. He had a bakery in the old building in Fitzgerald-street, recently re-constructed by Mr. M. H. Pulsford and now his residence. It was while there that he supplied all the bread for the refugees during the disastrous '67 flood. In later years he conducted a produce and grocery store and bakery in the premises now occupied as the 'Gazette' office. He had his ups and downs, but the people never lost confidence in him, so honorable was he in all his dealings. It was as a caterer that he achieved a State-wide reputation and till quite recently his services in this direction were eagerly sought, not only in this district, but in Sydney— and other places far distant from Windsor. The military authorities had wonderful confidence in him and would always engage him for their big military dinners. By industry and honest dealings he retrieved his financial position and during the past few years had acquired a considerable amount of property in Windsor. He died as he had lived, good, honest Peter Beveridge, and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of the people of the Hawkesbury district, in his days of adversity as well as in his prosperity. The death of his good wife some five years ago was a great blow to him. She had been his mate and his helpmeet through all his trials and lived to see the silver lining to the dark clouds. They are survived by their only two children — Mr. Keith Beveridge and Miss Marie Beveridge, for whom the deepest sympathy is felt. In his younger days the late Mr. Beveridge was an athlete and cricketer of note. For 75 yards he was an exceptionally fleet man, and his wonderful hitting powers, and the way he could 'steal' runs will be remembered by the men who took an interest in cricket 35 years ago. He was a man of broad sympathies and a generous heart: and was always ready to assist any deserving cause. In fact there was no more generous-hearted man in the district than the late Peter Beveridge. The esteem that was felt for him was proved by the great concourse of people that paid their last tribute of respect to him on Sunday evening, in spite of the fact that he only died that morning. People came from Richmond, Kurrajong, and as far down the river as Lower Port-land to attend the funeral. The remains were laid to rest in St. Matthew's Church of England cemetery. The funeral cortege was headed by a large number of the brethren of the Windsor and Richmond Masonic lodges. In the church the Rev. N. Jenkyn was assisted by the Rev. H. Tate, and the former delivered an eloquent address touching on the life and good works of the deceased. 'The 'Dead March' was played by the organist, Miss Savage, and the choir sang the hymn, 'Peace,' perfect peace.' At the graveside, after the church service, Wor. Bro. J. J. Paine read the touching and beautiful Masonic service. Thus the mortal remains of one of Windsor's best and most popular citizens were laid to rest. Mr. Chandler carried out the funeral arrangements.
'Beveridge, Peter (1853–1922)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 10 March 2025.
New South Wales,
5 November,
(aged ~ 69)
New South Wales,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.