Captain James Bayley, one of the early day Tasmanian seamen, died yesterday at his late residence, Runnymede, New Town, at the advanced age of 71 years. He served his time with his brother, the late Captain Charles Bayley, in the bark Fortitude, and at the expiration of his apprenticeship he went to England to see his family, returning to the colony in 1846, in the bark Pacific in the capacity of second officer. He sailed in this vessel on her first whaling voyage, and subsequently joined his brother as chief officer of the bark Runnymede. When Mr Askin Morrison became owner of the bark Flying Childers the deceased took the vessel to China and brought her back to Hobart with a cargo of tea. The brothers Bayley subsequently took over Mr Morrison's vessels, and deceased assumed command of the old Runnymede. Like most of those who go down to the sea in ships Captain Bayley had his quota of danger. On one occasion when aloft trying to sight a school of whales the top gallant halyards, with which he was steadying himself, gave way and he was precipitated into the sea, just missing the bulwarks of his vessel through her heeling over. A Kanaka who was engaged on the vessel jumped overboard, and sustained his chief until both were rescued. On retiring from the seafaring life some years ago Captain Bayley became a member of the Marine Board, and remained in office until the nominee system was abolished. He was a director in the Derwent and Tamar Insurance Company at the time of his death. For years deceased was part owner with Hon. Alexander McGregor in the barks Lufra and Helen. As a private citizen and a seaman Captain Bayley was looked upon as one of the most kind-hearted and genial men in the port of Hobart. He leaves a wife and one daughter to mourn their loss. The latter is married to Mr H. V. Bayly, secretary to the General Post-office.
'Bayley, James (1823–1894)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 14 March 2025.
16 September,
(aged ~ 71)
New Town, Hobart,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.