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George Wallwall Bagot (1858–1919)

from Advertiser

George Bagot, n.d.

George Bagot, n.d.

from Pastoral Review, 16 July 1919

Sincere regret will he felt throughout the State at the news of the sudden death of Mr. George Wallwall Bagot, a member of the firm of Bagot, Shakes & Lewis Ltd., stock and station agents, of Adelaide. He left his office as usual a few minutes after 5 o'clock pm, Thursday afternoon in order to catch a train for Glenelg, where he lived, and was just entering the approach to the North Terrace railway station when he fell dead. Last Friday he was indisposed, apparently with a slight heart trouble, but took little notice of it, and was in his office on Monday, when he seemed well and cheery.

Mr. Bagot was a son of the late Mr. Edward Meade Bagot, one of the founders of the firm. He was born at Beefacres, near Adelaide, in 1858, and was educated at St. Peter's College. On leaving the college in 1875 he almost immediately joined his father. He continued in the business, all the time gaining the varied and valuable experience which the operations of the firm afforded, and attained the position of senior salesman. In 1886 his father died, but he continued to carry on the business on his own account. Mr. Bagot was so successful that he was induced, in conjunction with the Hon. J. Lewis and the late Mr. James Shakes, to form the concern into a limited liability company, of which he was the managing director. The new firm was established on November 6, 1888, in King William Street. Its progress was so highly satisfactory that in addition to amalgamating with the old woolbroking firm of Luxmoore, Dowling and Jeffrey and thereby materially enlarging its operations, the company moved into the building formally occupied by the Savings Bank. Mr. Bagot acted from an early period as salesman-in-chief, and was widely known and esteemed among stock-raisers and pastoralists. He was on the horse committee of the Royal Agricultural Society for many years, and the agricultural societies throughout the State regularly availed themselves of his services as a judge in the horse and cattle sections. An enthusiastic sportsman, he was a member of the Adelaide Hunt Club for over 30 years, during a large part of which he was on the committee. He was a committee man of the South Australian Jockey Club, and for 20 years was a supporter and active player of polo. Mr. Bagot belonged to the South Australian Mounted Rifles for nine years. He was a governor of St Peter’s College, and chairman of the Stock Salesmen's Association. Mr. Bagot left a widow, who is a sister of Mr. R. R. Keynes, pastoralist of Keyneton, South Australia.

Friends' Tributes

Tributes to the late Mr. Bagot were paid by gentlemen who were closely associated with him in business and private life.

"Mr. Bagot was one of God's noblemen," remarked Mr. George Jeffrey, a member of the firm. "He was one of those rare men whose principles govern their actions. He could not have done a mean thing if he tried. He was beloved and respected by every member of the staff, both in the city and in the country. In business circles he was greatly respected, and as a judge of stock it was recognised throughout the Commonwealth that he had few equals."

Major Lance Lewis described Mr. Bagot as a gentleman of the truest type. He had known him for many years as a thoroughly honorable and upright man who was a grand friend.

Mr. R. H. Crawford, an old friend, said he had lunch on Thursday with Mr. Bagot as usual and left him a little after 2 o'clock. "He had complained of not being well," added Mr. Crawford, "but I thought he was suffering from the little indisposition of a few days ago. After walking up the street we parted, and he returned to his office. His death will mean a terrible loss to many of us. Whatever he undertook he did thoroughly, and he was a very earnest and reliable man. He was an exceedingly fine fellow to be associated with. He had a large circle of friends, who will greatly miss him. He was quiet, unassuming, and unostentatious, and was a particularly sincere friend."

"The news has come as a terrible shock,'' said Mr. H. C. H. Denton. "We were school boys together at St. Peter's College, and have been friends ever since. Anybody who had George Bagot as a friend had a true friend indeed. He was looked up to by the public at large, and by his schoolfellows in particular. He was a most worthy man, and the State has lost a magnificent citizen."

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'Bagot, George Wallwall (1858–1919)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 6 October 2024.

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