Regret was expressed on all sides on Wednesday when the announcement was made that Mr. William George Auld had passed away that morning at his home —Edward street, Norwood, after a short illness. The late Mr. Auld was born at Auldana, Magill, 58 years ago, and was a son of the late Mr. W. P. Auld, a fine old colonist who was one of the sturdy band of pioneers to fight their way across Australia from north to south with John McDouall Stuart, and was 50 years later presented with a gold watch and chain by the South Australian Government in recognition of his great exploring work. The late Mr. George Auld received his education at Caterer's Grammar School, Norwood, passing thence into the counting house of the late Mr. Henry Scott, one of Adelaide's leading merchants. There he remained for 12 years, gaining during that time a thorough knowledge of commercial life. Then his services were requisitioned by his father, who subsequently admitted him into the business as a partner, together with his brother (Mr. E. P. Auld). It was at this time, and while a comparatively young man, that he commenced his travelling career, going first as a representative of the now celebrated Auldana wines, and afterwards on behalf of Messrs. W. P. Auld & Sons. His itinerary extended from Port Augusta in the north to Mount Gambier in the south-east, and he says it was hard work in those days pushing the sale of South Australian wines.
Mr. Auld always evinced the greatest interest in viticulture, and he was for 13 years, up to the time of his demise, President of the South Australian Vine growers' Association, a position he filled with credit to himself and the vignerons with whom he had been so long associated. Who that had had the pleasure of attending an annual dinner of the Vine growers' Association, and listening to a charming address by the former popular President— punctuated, of course, by a few apposite quotations from his favourite poet, Omar Khayyam— would dare say that he did not fill the position 'as to the manner born?' Mr. Auld was one of the most active advocates of the Phylloxera Act, which was passed by the South Australian Legislature in 1899, and since its inception acted as secretary to the Phylloxera Board. Only those interested in viticulture realize how important is the work of this board. It is always increasing, and lynx-eyed inspectors have constantly to be on the qui vive to see that this dread disease is kept beyond the confines of the State. And the man who controlled all this work was Mr. George Auld, in whom the South Australian vignerons reposed the utmost confidence.
A few years ago the late Mr. Auld disposed of the business of W. P. Auld and Sons to the Adelaide Wine and Spirit Company, Limited, and became Chairman of Directors, of that progressive concern. Mr. Auld, in his younger days, was a prominent athlete, and was a shining light in rowing circles. He was President of the S.A. Rowing Association, and Chairman of the Adelaide Rowing Club, and subsequently patron. He took the greatest interest in municipal matters, and for years was a member of the Kensington and Norwood Municipal Council. At one time a prominent lacrosse player, he filled the position of Chairman of the South Australian Lacrosse Association for many years. Cricket also claimed his support, and he was for years a member of the East Torrens Cricket Club. Mr. Auld was also a regular attendant for years at the meets of the Adelaide Hunt Club. He was also first chairman of the Liquor Trades' Defence Union of South Australia. Mr. Auld married Miss Clark a daughter of the late John Howard Clark, who was for some years editor, and part proprietor, of The Register. There also survive three sons—Lieut. P. H. Auld, M.C. (Gollin & Co.), Mr. Stuart Auld (Perth), and. Mr. Douglas Auld (Elder, Smith, & Co. Limited, Adelaide).
At a meeting on Wednesday of the Council of the Royal Agricultural Society, of which the late Mr. Auld was a member, those present stood in silence as a tribute to the memory of their late colleague.
'Auld, William George (1868–1926)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 14 March 2025.
3 December,
Magill, Adelaide,
South Australia,
24 February,
(aged 57)
Norwood, Adelaide,
South Australia,