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William Edward Atherden (1838–1934)

from West Australian

On Saturday, Mr. William Edward Atherden, who was present at the Eureka stockade, died at Osborne Park, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. George Muir, of King Edward Road. He was 96 years of age.

The late Mr. Atherden was born at Dover, England, and when still a lad, went to sea on a sailing vessel. He deserted on arrival at Geelong (Australia) and walked barefoot to Ballarat. He worked in the diggings there and was present during the disorders of December, 1854, when the miners engaged the police in battle at the Eureka stockade. After the police victory, 114 miners were taken prisoner and among these was young Atherden. He used to recall having been chained hand and foot to three other miners. All were discharged except 13, who were held for trial for treason, but none was convicted.

Good luck came to Mr. Atherden on his return to the diggings and within a year or two he was able to return to England, where, at the age of 19 years, he married Miss Mary Martin. On returning to Australia he settled in this State, purchasing an orchard at York. For the past 14 years he had resided at Osborne Park. He is survived by one son and four daughters.

The funeral will take place this morning.

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Additional Resources

  • photo, Sunday Times (Perth), 20 May 1934, p 12s

Citation details

'Atherden, William Edward (1838–1934)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


Dover, Kent, England


12 May, 1934 (aged ~ 96)
Osborne Park, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

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