The death of Dr. Thomas Primrose Anderson, which occurred early on Sunday morning last, is more deeply deplored by the residents of this district, both young and old, than the demise of any person for very many years past. His death was not unexpected, as the Doctor suffered for some considerable time from that fell disease, consumption; though almost to the last, with heroic fortitude, he attended to his medical duties. For a few days prior to the end Dr. Anderson was confined to his bed at the residence of his father-in-law, Mr. G. L. Fuller, of "Dunmore," his rapidly waning spark of life having compelled him to leave "Dalmony,” his late residence in Kiama, and the long list of patients whom he loved to tend and assist. He knew the end was rapidly approaching; but was perfectly resigned to his fate, and his end was a peaceful one. Let us hope he will reap that reward in another world which his many good deeds on this earth justly entitle him to. Dr. Anderson resided amongst us for over five years, and during that period occupied the position of Medical Officer to the three local Friendly Societies, the Protestant Alliance, Oddfellows and Sons and Daughters of Temperance. His many acts of kindliness, assiduous and skilful attention to the members of these orders requiring medical aid earned him the love and esteem of them all; and his good wife shared in this feeling for her sterling worth and assistance to those in distress. No greater acknowledgment of the esteem in which Dr. and Mrs. Anderson were held could be found than in the presentation which the Protestant Alliance lodge made to them a few weeks ago. Dr. Anderson was a prominent member of the Kiama School of Arts, having held a position in it first as Committeeman and afterwards as President, but was compelled to resign on account of his health. He was, with Dr. Terry, Medical Officer to the Kiama Cottage Hospital. Outside his professional duties he was a most worthy citizen in every respect. Failing health having compelled Dr. Anderson to relinquish practice, he transferred it to Dr. Beith, of Mudgee, who also takes over the duties of Medical Officer to the Friendly Societies. The Doctor was not yet in the prime of life, he being only 28 years and some months old at the time of his death. He was a native of Glasgow, Scotland. He was educated at the Dollar Academy, and graduated M.D. at the Glasgow College. Besides a wife and young son, Dr. Anderson leaves a mother, two sisters and two brothers, one of whom occupies the position of Chief Engineer on board the ocean liner South Australian. Deep sympathy is expressed on all sides for Mrs. Anderson in her sad bereavement, and in this we heartily join. No community can afford to lose such men.
'Anderson, Thomas Primrose (1869–1898)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 25 February 2025.
31 July,
(aged 28)
New South Wales,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.
Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.