Obituaries Australia

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website contains names, images, and voices of deceased persons.

In addition, some articles contain terms or views that were acceptable within mainstream Australian culture in the period in which they were written, but may no longer be considered appropriate.

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Browsing occupation: public servant

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  1. Abbott, Edward (1825-1832)
  2. à Beckett, Malwyn (1854-1900)
  3. Adams, Arthur John Sorby (1926-1956)
  4. Adams, Norman (Norm) (1971-2007)
  5. Addison, Charles Glentworth (1919-1923)
  6. Addison, Glentworth Walsh (1855-1870)
  7. Agnew, Sir James Willson (1841-1853)
  8. Allan, Frances Elizabeth (Betty) (1930-1940)
  9. Anderson, Andrew (Andy) (1931-1974)
  10. Anderson, Harold David (1945-1987)
  11. Anderson, Robert Cairns (1912-1945)
  12. Angell, Herbert Raleigh (1928-1958)
  13. Archer, Thomas (1813-1821)
  14. Arndell, Andrew Johnston (1872-1914)
  15. Arnold, Richard Aldous (Dick) (1867-1916)
  16. Arnold, William Munnings Montagu (Monty) (1870-1890)
  17. Ashton, Ferris Arthur (1947-1962)
  18. Atkinson, James (1820-1825)
  19. Atkinson, John (1832-1860)
  20. Auld, Ernest Patrick (1890-1895)
  21. Bachelard, Eric Peter (1953-1958, 1964-1965)
  22. Backen, Paul (1974-1982)
  23. Bailey, D. R. (1825-1830)
  24. Bailey, Frederick Manson (Fred) (1928-1971)
  25. Bailey, John (1839-1864)
  26. Ball, Frederick Henry (1910-1933)
  27. Ball, George Washington (1900-1932)
  28. Bamford, Frederick William (1885-1892)
  29. Barber, George Phillips (1935-1938)
  30. Barbour, Peter Robert (1951-1985)
  31. Barnet, James Johnstone (1860-1890)
  32. Barnett, Tudor Harvey (1957-1985)
  33. Barrett, Philip (Phil) (1943-1973)
  34. Bartley, Theodore Bryant (1824-1876)
  35. Barton, Herbert Hamersley (1890-1892)
  36. Bassett, William Frederick (1851-1858)
  37. Bateman, Wilfred Rhodes (Bill) (1940-1950, 1950-1958)
  38. Battershill, Arthur Thomas (1900-1933)
  39. Baulman, William (1920-1948)
  40. Beale, Albert George (1890-1923)
  41. Beale, Charles (1857-1900)
  42. Bednall, Brian Herbert (1925-1947, 1947-1969)
  43. Bednall, William Thompson (1862-1874)
  44. Beeston, George Frank (1870-1897)
  45. Beggs, Bruce James (1951-1985)
  46. Benallack, Andrew Leonard (Ben) (1923-1963)
  47. Benson, Shan (1938-1982)
  48. Bettison, Margaret Selina (1964-1968, 1969-1975)
  49. Bills, David (1970-1978)
  50. Binns, Kenneth (1911-1947)
  51. Black, Cecil Audley (Cec) (1960-2000)
  52. Black, Henry Preston (Harry) (1956-1975)
  53. Blackburn, Jean Edna (1942-1946)
  54. Bland, Sir Henry Armand (Harry) (1928-1942, 1939-1941)
  55. Bloodsworth, James (1791-1804)
  56. Board, George Leonard (1877-1921)
  57. Boden, Robert William (1955-1989)
  58. Bodkin, Joseph Anthony (Joe) (1924-1937)
  59. Boland, Douglas (Doug) (1969-1991)
  60. Bolton, Stuart Blacker (1859-1875)
  61. Bolza, Eleanor (Nora) (1950-1980)
  62. Bomford, Anthony Gerald (Tony) (1954-1982)
  63. Bond, Richard Wallace (Dick) (1935-1946, 1946-1965)
  64. Booker, Malcolm Richard (1940-1941)
  65. Borthwick, Alexander Hay (Alex) (1944-1980)
  66. Bourke, Peter Michael (1968-1975)
  67. Bourne, George (1885-1891)
  68. Bowden, Ivor Gordon (1951-1987)
  69. Bowen, Thomas Hopkins (1868-1875)
  70. Bowerman, Francis Sydney (Frank) (1860-1868)
  71. Boykett, Charles James (1887-1936)
  72. Boykett, John Hebbert (1853-1880)
  73. Brand, Mona Alexis (1941-1945)
  74. Brennan, William Gregory (1911-1914)
  75. Brett, William Gore (1853-1896)
  76. Bridges, Sir William Throsby (1879-1885)
  77. Brookes, John Dougan (1975-1983)
  78. Brooks, Walter Stevenson (Wal) (1963-1988)
  79. Broun, Sir William (1888-1906)
  80. Brown, Sir Allen Stanley (1942-1976)
  81. Brown, John Ednie (1878-1890, 1890-1893, 1895-1899)
  82. Brown, William Le Brun (1878-1933)
  83. Bryan, Walter (Bill) (1947-1981)
  84. Buck, Thomas Lyons (1893-1910)
  85. Buckley, Berenice (Berry) (1977-1988)
  86. Bucknell, William Wentworth (1888-1900)
  87. Bull, John Edward (1852-1869)
  88. Bunting, Sir Edward John (John) (1940-1977)
  89. Burgess, William (1876-1891)
  90. Burnum Burnum (1955-1970, 1980-1980)
  91. Burtinshaw, John Bowden (1889-1926)
  92. Burton, Clare Margaret (1989-1992)
  93. Burton, John Wear (1941-1949)
  94. Butler, Arthur Ormonde (1885-1930)
  95. Butler, Pierce Logan (1878-1904)
  96. Butlin, Noel George (1942-1946)
  97. Byles, Baldur Unwin (1925-1925, 1926-1927, 1926-1926, 1927-1930, 1930-1969)
  98. Byrne, Peter John (Pete) (1971-2010)
  99. Callaghan, Sir Allan Robert (1916-1931, 1942-1959, 1959-1971)
  100. Calvert, Joseph Patrick (Pat) (1930-1956)
  101. Cameron, McRae Archibald (Mac) (1922-1962)
  102. Campbell, Alexander William (Alec) (1947-1964)
  103. Campbell, Archibald (1854-1867)
  104. Campbell, Archibald James (1869-1900, 1901-1914)
  105. Campbell, Keith George (1951-1968)
  106. Campbell, Persia Gwendoline (1927-1928, 1928-1930)
  107. Campbell, Walter Scott (1862-1908)
  108. Carne, Mr Joseph Edmund (1879-1919)
  109. Carron, Leslie Thornley (Les) (1948-1949)
  110. Castles, Ian (1954-1994)
  111. Chalmers, Charles James (1870-1907)
  112. Chandler, William Geoffrey (Geoff) (1930-1945, 1945-1949)
  113. Charlwood, Donald Ernest (Don) (1945-1975)
  114. Chaseling, William John (1900-1942)
  115. Chifley, Ben (1902-1928)
  116. Chinner, John Harding (1933-1938)
  117. Chisholm, Henry John (1860-1880)
  118. Clark, Robert (Bob) (1950-1974)
  119. Clarke, Albert (Bert) (1937-1953)
  120. Clarke, Hugh Vincent (1936-1940, 1947-1976)
  121. Clarke, Marcus Andrew (1870-1881)
  122. Clewett, Felix Edward (1861-1873)
  123. Cobcroft, Enoch John (1874-1912)
  124. Cochran, John Patrick (Jack) (1920-1926)
  125. Code, William John (1882-1927)
  126. Cohen, Edward Meyer (1877-1923)
  127. Cohen, Victor (1901-1930)
  128. Collett, Herbert Brayley (1915-1933)
  129. Comans, Charles Kennedy (1936-1977)
  130. Connell, Henry Daniel (1844-1888)
  131. Conroy, Wilfred Lawrence (Bill) (1947-1978)
  132. Cook, James (1897-1911)
  133. Coombs, Herbert Cole (Nugget) (1934-1968)
  134. Cope, Frederick (Fred) (1884-1910)
  135. Coper, Michael David (1988-1991)
  136. Cowley, Roger Doherty (1961-1970)
  137. Cox, Charles Frederick (1881-1899, 1902-1914)
  138. Cox, Edward Kenneth (Ken) (1933-1976)
  139. Craig, Frederic George (Fred) (1954-1990)
  140. Craig, Lorna Hazel (1934-1976)
  141. Crane, Wilfred James (Wilf) (1974-1992)
  142. Crean, Francis Daniel (Frank) (1934-1945)
  143. Cremer, Kurt (1957-1987)
  144. Crisp, Leslie Finlay (Fin) (1940-1950)
  145. Crocker, Sir Walter Russell (1952-1970)
  146. Croft, Herbert (1864-1896)
  147. Croft, Jonathan (1836-1850)
  148. Crouch, Thomas James (1825-1868)
  149. Cruickshank, William Douglas (1870-1902)
  150. Cumpston, Helen Ida (1935-1940)
  151. Cunningham, Thomas Murray (1950-1984)
  152. Cunynghame, Sarah (1874-1910)
  153. Currie, Sir Neil Smith (1948-1986)
  154. Cuthbert, James Alexander (1910-1930)
  155. Dadswell, Herbert Eric (1926-1964)
  156. Dalglish, James Campsie (1867-1888)
  157. Dalton, Norman Francis (1947-1982)
  158. Daniels, Laurence John (Laurie) (1934-1981)
  159. Dansie, Samuel Justin (Sam) (1950-1988)
  160. Davey, Neil William (1935-1941, 1951-1984)
  161. Davidson, James Edward (1893-1896)
  162. Davies, Bruce Richard (1942-1985)
  163. Dawson, Robert (1847-1887)
  164. Dax, Eric Cunningham (1952-1968, 1968-1978)
  165. de Beuzeville, Wilfred Alexander (1912-1954)
  166. de Boos, Henry (1849-1892)
  167. Deicke, Roy (1955-1960)
  168. Delohery, Cornelius (1859-1899)
  169. Dexter, David St Alban (1945-1967)
  170. Dight, Walter Samuel (1895-1932)
  171. Dixon, John (1870-1900)
  172. Douglas, Annie Laurie (1943-1979)
  173. Douglas, Moray Guild (1950-1989)
  174. Downer, Henry Edward (1865-1881)
  175. Drake-Brockman, Frederick Slade (1886-1917)
  176. Drake-Brockman, Geoffrey (1920-1952)
  177. Duffy, Charles Gavan (1871-1901)
  178. Dulhunty, Robert George (1870-1915)
  179. Dumaresq, Henry (1825-1831)
  180. Dumaresq, William John (1825-1829)
  181. Dunbar, David Noel (1977-1986)
  182. Dunkley, Ernest Henry (Ern) (1946-1980)
  183. Durack, John (1899-1926)
  184. Dusting, Ellestan Joyce (1947-1972)
  185. Eastman, Walter Henry (Wally) (1949-1980)
  186. Edgerley, Mark (1949-1960, 1965-1982)
  187. Edminston, Roger (1948-1993)
  188. Eldridge, Kenneth George (Ken) (1958-1991)
  189. Ellery, Reginald Spencer (Reg) (1923-1931)
  190. Ellice-Flint, Arthur William (1889-1921)
  191. Ellice-Flint, Robert Gordon (Bob) (1947-1984)
  192. Elliott, Neil Campbell (1936-1939)
  193. Ellis, Louis (Lou) (1852-1895)
  194. Elsley, Ian James (1972-2005)
  195. Emery, Frederick Edmund (Fred) (1940-1943)
  196. Emmett, Henry James (1825-1836, 1837-1878)
  197. Ewens, John Qualtrough (1933-1972)
  198. Fabian, John David (1968-1978)
  199. Falconer, Graeme (1969-1972, 1985-1989)
  200. Farquhar, Murray Frederick (1936-1962)
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