We regret to announce that Mr. George Loder died on Wednesday morning, after a lingering illness. This will cause sincere regret to many who admired Mr. Loder as a musician of a very high order, and respected his amiable and honorable qualities. He first came to the colony with Madame Anna Bishop, 11 years ago, and contributed much to the enjoyment of her entertainments. Very recently, it will be remembered, Madame Bishop gave a tangible and appropriate proof of her kindly recollection of her professional connection with Mr. Loder, in the form of a benefit concert at White's Rooms which was very largely attended, and at which Mr. Loder appeared, looking the wreck of his former self. His connection with Lyster's Opera Company, as conductor, on the occasion of their first visit to Adelaide is fresh in the recollection of lovers of the opera, who bear unanimous testimony to the effect that the conductor's baton was never in more efficient hands. For the last few weeks Mr. Loder has been rapidly sinking, and while many will be startled to hear of his death, his intimate friends have been fully prepared for the sad event. The remains of the late Mr. George Loder, the composer and professor of music, were borne from the deceased's late residence, North-terrace, to their place of interment, in the West-terrace Cemetery, on Thursday morning. The procession consisted of a hearse, two mourning coaches, and several vehicles, which contained Messrs. — Needham, A. G. Downer, G. H. Egremont-Gee, E. Sawtell, F. Ellard, J. A. T. Lake. A. J. Solomon, J. Shakespeare, A. Jones, W. Ware, W. C. Rigby, A. Wilson, and others. The service at the grave was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Pollitt.
'Loder, George (1816–1868)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/loder-george-14275/text25335, accessed 26 March 2025.